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Streamlined crypto data analysis

Platform for analysing and sharing crypto data.

Data streams

The platform will provide access to various data streams useful for analysing the digital assets market, including both on-chain and off-chain sources.

On chain data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana is planned to be supported initially.

Off chain data from centralised exchanges (CEXs), social media platforms, news outlets, and other external sources will also be made available in parallel.


With all the data streams readily available, you can focus on analysis. Develop your analytical models using the Python coding space provided within the platform. Visualise and publish your analysis with ease, ensuring it is always accessible.

Publish and Track

Publish your analysis on the platform or keep it private. Build your dashboards and track them live from any device, at any time.

Share your analysis publicly, engage with the community to exchange insights, and allow others to build on your work. Iterate on models that you find interesting and contribute to collective innovation.